Christ's Bible Fellowship | Barrigada, Guam
Services | Info
Beliefs | History
Sermons | Resources
Tithes | Offerings
Ministry | Contact
Evangelism| Outreach
Welcome to Christ's Bible Fellowship!
What to Expect
Attending a new church for the first time can certainly be an overwhelming experience, especially if you don’t know what to expect! Our hope is you feel comfortable at CBF, warmly welcomed, and confident your children will have a safe and fun experience. If you choose to be our guest on a Sunday morning, here are a few things you might enjoy knowing before you arrive!
Our worship services last about 90 minutes and feature predominantly contemporary/modern music and expositional teaching from God's word.
TITHES & Offering
You are our guest and we do not expect you to contribute to the offering collection. However, if you should choose to give, that is a private matter between you and the Lord, and offering boxes are located near the entrance.
families & kids
During Sunday service, we have opportunities for children to learn about God's Word through teaching from nursery care, toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age. Should your family choose to stick together, that’s fine too! All ages are welcome in the worship services.
You can dress casually with modesty in mind. Most people attending CBF wear casual, comfortable clothing, but should you choose to dress up a little more you will certainly not feel out of place!
Parking spaces are available all around the building.
​We have a great welcome team of greeters ready and eager to assist you with any need and answer any questions you may have.